Clancy Covert

I was born in Johnson City, Tennessee and then moved to Morristown when I was 2. For several years my family moved around for my father’s work. I came back to Morristown and graduated high school there. Upon graduation I went to Carson Newman on a baseball scholarship and was the starting pitcher when I played in the college world series. I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in 1995. I attended the Nashville School of Law and worked full-time while doing law school at night. I graduated in 1999 and worked at Wimberly Lawson practicing labor and employment law between the Cookeville and Nashville offices. In 2003 I relocated to Chattanooga and worked at Luther Anderson. I decided to start my own practice in 2011. I shared an office space with Sam Byrd and Berry Foster while practicing family law. I worked at my own practice until 2023 when Sam asked me to partner with him.

I have personal experience with family law. My parents divorced when I was 10, and I had to testify in court. My heart goes out to children who have had to experience conflict. I also have a son that passed away. A lot of my work I do with him in my mind to try and help others do right by their kids. I have also been through divorce. Nobody walks down the aisle of marriage with the intention of getting divorced. The advice I would give everyone is to work to stop, minimize, and manage conflict so you can be in the best position for your family.

I think family law is challenging for people to navigate. Divorce and child custody can be emotional, heart wrenching, and demanding of people. I try to help clients on the emotional aspect to get them a fair result and assist with difficulties going through process. Divorce or child custody is an emotional response. It cannot get more personal than disagreements over raising children or property that you have accumulated in your marriage. I like family law because I like interacting with people. I enjoy meeting and talking with my clients. Many people who hire me do not want to go to court. However, when personal problems become legal problems, I enjoy being an advocate in the courtroom.

Outside of work, I enjoy camping, fishing, travelling, and playing virtual reality games with my son. I also enjoy woodworking. Woodworking relaxes me and I appreciate taking my time crafting while I am thinking through a legal issue or fact scenario. I am happily married to my wife, Melanie, and I have 3 adult stepchildren with 5 grandchildren.