Kevin Hargis

I am from rural Morgan County, Tennessee. The closest town to me growing up was Wartburg, Tennessee where I graduated high school from Wartburg Central High School. Prior to college, I worked as a lineman for 20 years climbing poles, towers, and buildings to assemble utility systems. I have worked all over the country from Los Angeles all the way to New York chasing storms and doing storm repair. I received my bachelor’s degree from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. I graduated and got my juris doctorate from the University of Tennessee College of Law in 2017. Sam Byrd was a big part of my decision to go to law school. I thought about the opportunity for years, and while at the gym Sam encouraged me to go to law school. I never knew I would want to do family law when I started law school, but through personal experience with family law I have come to appreciate the ability to help people solve personal problems that become legal problems.

I have personal experience with family law. My parents divorced when I was 9 years old but continued their feud for the remainder of my childhood. I also have personal experience with a blended family while raising my two stepsons. I believe my lived experience gives me the ability to better relate to clients and understand their needs. Through my personal experience, I help people minimize and manage conflict so they can do right by their kids.

My job satisfaction comes from getting to help people. I know what it is like to be wronged by the justice system and feel like your situation is out of control. I practice giving people the ability to take back their control and power. I want to help people who have been taken advantage of get a just decision that solves more problems than it creates.

When I am not working, I enjoy working out at the gym, travelling, and spending time with my grandson and wife.