Our Intake Team Will Review The General Factors In Your Case So We Know How To Serve You Best
Have you or a loved one been arrested in the greater Chattanooga area for assault, battery, domestic violence, or another violent offense? These grave accusations jeopardize futures overnight — but skilled legal advocacy makes every difference in avoiding harsh outcomes.
As Chattanooga assault and battery lawyers attorneys, we’ve helped many clients through this crisis. We know exactly how to test the claims and surface every contradiction and credibility concern around witnesses and evidence. All while reminding prosecutors that sloppy cases still destroy innocent lives.
Don’t go through this fight alone. Contact us today to begin building your defense.
Tennessee Code Annotated §39-13-101. Assault.
State law provides that a person who commits assault must have done one of the following:
Tennessee Code Annotated §39-13-102. Aggravated Assault.
Aggravated assault requires the use of a deadly weapon or serious bodily injury to have occurred.
Tennessee law provides that a person commits an aggravated assault who intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly commits an assault as defined above and:
Every assault case is different. Regardless of the charges you’re facing, the penalties are severe. At the Law Office of Sam Byrd, our criminal defense attorneys can help get your charges dismissed or reduced by building a strong defense on your behalf.
Sentencing guidelines can vary widely based on factors from criminal history to use of weapons and injuries sustained by victims. This chart provides an at-a-glance overview of potential penalties so you understand exactly what is at risk:
Simple Assault (Misdemeanor)
Aggravated Assault (Felony or Misdemeanor)
The penalties depend on whether the assault charge is a misdemeanor or felony, and for felonies, what classification it falls under. Generally, simple assault has shorter jail times and lower fines, while aggravated assault can potentially lead to years in prison and higher fines. The most severe penalties are for Class C and D felony aggravated charges.
At the Law Office of Sam Byrd, we understand the intense emotions surrounding these serious criminal charges. Here’s how we’ll help you:
We’ll prepare you. We’ll inform you about all aspects of your case and involve you in your defense. By investigating self-defense, witness credibility issues, and employing powerful defense tactics, our aggressive representation will protect your rights if you have been charged in Tennessee.
We’ll go above and beyond. When you’re facing serious penalties, you need a Chattanooga assault lawyer who will spend as much time as necessary to investigate, prepare, and try your case to a judge or jury to ensure you’re receiving the quality representation you deserve.
If you or someone close to you has been charged with a violent crime, you should consult with skilled and experienced criminal defense lawyers in Chattanooga. Your future and the futures of those you love depend on it.
If you are accused of a violent crime—including murder, rape, reckless endangerment, aggravated assault, or assault—in Chattanooga and surrounding areas such as Red Bank, Soddy Daisy, East Ridge, Cleveland, Collegedale, Graysville, or Sequatchie, Marion, or Rhea County area:
Sam Byrd can help you through the complex process of defending a violent crime or assault charge. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with a criminal defense lawyer.
We understand that it can be frightening to be charged with committing a violent crime. But one thing is certain—you don’t have to do this alone.
As an experienced criminal defense team, the Law Office of Sam Byrd will act with a steadfast commitment to secure a favorable result on your behalf. Whether a dismissal, prevailing at trial, or negotiating a deal for you, the team always strives to be one step ahead of the game.
Our law firm provides tough, proactive criminal defense services for people who have been charged with violent crimes that include:
Charged in Chattanooga, TN? Talk to the legal team at the Law Office of Sam Byrd today about your case.
Our primary goal is to get you to a better life as quickly and painlessly as possible. We are skilled in the art of navigating the legal system to do just that. We know the recipe for success and will guide you toward it with communication and aggressive representation.
Our Intake Team Will Review The General Factors In Your Case So We Know How To Serve You Best
We Will Review Options and Set Goals Together To Step You Through This Difficult Time Into A Better Life
We Have Your Back And Will Negotiate, Advocate, And Litigate If We Must!
And Know We Are Here In Your Corner If And When You Ever Need Us. Your Peace Of Mind Is Our Passion!
Telling your kids you’re getting a divorce is one of the toughest conversations you’ll ever...
Law Office of Sam Byrd was build on the back of aggressive, proactive legal guidance for clients who are looking for a creative and innovative attorney to get them through some of the hardest times of their lives. Often riddled with fear, anxiety, and pain, Sam and his team have been able to deliver results for people and families in desperate need of something different – instant relief through aggressive and appropriate representation.
Because you are seen as a HUMAN, not a line item on an accounting report or a case number on a court docket. We believe you deserve to be served with diligence and integrity – giving you our best through your worst times to provide the best possible experience from the beginning.
Assault and battery charges, whether intentional or reckless, may be either a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the situation and severity of injury inflicted. A misdemeanor assault may be classified as a “simple assault” or “domestic assault,” the difference being that domestic has additional collateral consequences if it’s between family, lovers, or roommates, and are both punishable by up to 11 months and 29 days in jail, plus fines, court costs, anger management classes, and a no-contact order with the alleged victim.
A no-contact order can cause problems with your child’s other parent and can interfere with your parenting rights and child access and access to your home. Felony assaults occur when there is an increased risk of escalation of behavior involving the use of a weapon or significant bodily injury, which may be punishable by up to 15 years in prison, depending on the charge.
Assault charges, simple or aggravated, are not eligible for expungement in Tennessee, meaning a conviction will stay on your criminal record indefinitely. However, Tennessee does provide a one-time “out” provision for people who qualify through a program of diversion, otherwise known as the “first offender program.”
An experienced lawyer will be able to help determine if you qualify for eligibility and make an application and argument for inclusion. If your lawyer can get you accepted into this program, then many people who have never been in trouble with the law before may be able to keep their record clean, even if they did the bad act for which they were arrested!
You need a second chance to get your life back on track after a regretful mistake
Your drunk driving charges are endangering your livelihood and risking the future for you and your loved ones
You’re facing the legal consequences of a rageful moment and need help getting past it – fast.
You’re struggling under the weight of snowballing and unfair domestic charges
You’re up against burglary or theft charges and need legal representation to get a fair chance
Possession or other drug-related charges are looming and you need legal help to reduce their impact on your life
Your child is facing charges for unwise decisions whose consequences could disproportionately threaten their education, their employment, and their future
You’re up against federal charges for fraud or embezzlement that could quickly snowball into big consequences
You’re facing charges after a violent incident, and the consequences could steal away your freedom and your safety
Over the years it has been gut-wrenching to see how better representation would have changed the lives of those charged with criminal offenses in Chattanooga. I have been in courtrooms where someone felt they had done nothing wrong so they did not get representation because they thought the facts would be enough to maintain their freedom. Although the Tennessee criminal justice process might seem straightforward, it rarely is. The law is complicated and has many small nuances that can create big impacts. Knowing how to navigate the legal system and having an experienced and aggressives criminal defense attorney on your side, and in your corner, is the difference that changes the dynamic in your criminal defense case.
Both criminal charges and drunk driving charges can sometimes be resolved by one of the following: